Theatre Educator

Teaching Experience
Below are my selected teaching experiences and accompanying lesson plans. (More images below)
July 2022 - Present
Technical Theatre Teacher -
Kingwood Park High School
Humble ISD
Tecnical Theatre Teacher at Kingwood Park High School teaching Theatre I and Tech Theatre I-IV
Technical Director for all productions in the year - Mainstage, Musical, Varsity, JV
Assist in running the theatre program of 200 students with the head director and with support from the Booster Club
October 2021
Student Teacher -
Cypress Fairbanks ISD
At Cypress-Ridge HS, over 10 weeks I observed, co-taught, and solo-taught lesson plans for Theatre Arts I-IV, and Theatre Pro I-IV with my mentor teacher Michelle Nguyen. I also was the Assistant Director for their UIL OAP - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.
At Aragon MS, over 6 weeks I observed, co-taught, and solo-taught lesson plans for Advanced Theatre Arts, Intermediate Theatre Arts, Beginning Theatre Arts, and Theatre Arts 6 classes with my mentor teacher Margaret Rodriguez.
June 2021
Creator -
Wylie ISD Summer on Stage Jr.!
Created and proposed a 1-week theatre camp for 60 students in 3rd-6th grade
Hired and supervised 14 high school interns to assist in working and teaching 8 workshops, and creating 4 play performances with 42 students
Taught 2 workshops to 42 3rd-6th grade students on physicalizing the 8 Laban Efforts, and one on projection and safe use of the voice
August 2020 - April 2021
Lead Administrator -
UH Lantrip Players Theatre Troupe
Facilitated the overall 16-week semester schedule and 13 weekly meeting schedules over 2 semesters.
Facilitated parent and student communication over 16 weeks
Managed and updated the Lantrip Players YouTube Channel and website
Ran planning meetings and organized 2 Lead Teaching Artists and their duties